Thursday, July 16, 2009

Greased Up Deaf Guy - 40k Scenario

I, and a few other Wizards Wall (my local game store) patrons, are going to be creating a collection of Wizard Wall exclusive scenarios for Warhammer 40k.

Wizards Wall forum found here... Wizards Wall

These scenarios are tested by us, and once they are ready for release, I will post them up here...

Here is the first scenario.... Greased Up Deaf Guy! (more to come each month!)

The four players who tested this enjoyed it very much, as it is a furiously fast paced game even by 40k standards.

Have fun trying to catch those Deaf Guys!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

'Ard Boyz Results...

Okay, Kabal of the Budding Lotus....

Mission 1 - Versus Space Marines. Tabled on turn 6. Massacred, 24 points.

Mission 2 - Versus Space Marines. Massacred, 23 points.

Mission 3 - Versus Double Lash Plague Marine list. Massacred, 22 points.

69 points total.

Top 3 in the Melbourne, Florida area....

1 - Dark Eldar
2 - Orks
3 - Orks

See ya in Orlando :)